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With fast evolving interactive dynamics of business, society and government, corporates find the going tough and challenging. Issues coming to fore span across the business functions and sectors. Emerging trends in industry 4.0, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, sustainability among others are creating a meaningful impact on managerial decisions. In this backdrop, this issue of Manthan: Journal of Commerce and Management brings out articles on pertinent themes in management mentioned in subsequent paragraphs.

How can marketing decision making be improved by using an architectural approach around the 6S concept? This issue is addressed by Nazmus Sakib and Mushfika Rahman Rhidita who discuss the concept of 6S with respect to data science and business market penetration. Using marketing and company profile data in the input layer of their suggested model, the study demonstrates both a novel learning technique and a method for better comprehending the business. Marketing decision making is largely influenced by the type of targeted consumers, for example, the younger generation, which is becoming increasingly environmentally conscious. Deepti Verma investigates in an article what factors influence the young generation’s intention to purchase green products in India. This work concludes that environmental concern, followed by green trust and personal norms, are the key factors shaping consumer behavior. However, price consciousness does not affect their green purchase intentions substantially.

In their article using the ISM fuzzy technique for management decision making, Akshata Bhat, Sagar Patil and Jayanti Belur examine the factors influencing employee turnover in the context of the manufacturing industry. Using expert opinion as a source of data, they recommend that work environment and career growth are the critical factors, followed by others such as compensation, training and development, reward and recognition, job security, job stress, and work-life balance.

Furthermore, society has recently seen a remarkable shift in gender roles. Neha Saxena examines this issue of ‘Gender ideology and gender role swapping’ in the case of single and dual earning families. Results indicate that the level of role strain was high in females from dual-earning families. Exploring the role of gender in another study on the social entrepreneurship intention (SEI) of students of Indian B-schools, Proma Banerjee, Surabhi Mishra, Mary Conway Dato-On and Sharmistha Banerjee report that, contrary to previous studies, gender does not significantly influence SEI, while perception of social entrepreneurship, social network, and risk aversion mindset influence respondents’ SEI.

Corporate social responsibility came to the fore with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Study of the Indian IT Sector by Sandeep Kumar Goel and Stuti Jain analyses the impact of COVID-19 on corporate social responsibility. The study reveals that Indian IT companies played a pivotal role in the fight against the pandemic and devoted much of their CSR funds towards healthcare and disaster relief. A significant improvement in the CSR obligations of select companies was observed in the post pandemic period. In another study, Poonam Solanki, Anshita Sheoran and Kuldip Singh have analysed the contours of the landscape of research in fintech and financial inclusion. Using bibliometric analysis of the papers published from 2004 through 2022 in the Scopus database, the article highlights the linkages between “Fintech” and “Financial Inclusion.”.

In general, communication can occur either upwards or downwards in the hierarchy or across it. Hemendra Sharma and Shankar Singh Bhakuni, in their article, have effectively captured insights into resolving teacher-student conflict through improved communication. The article highlights how the kids’ psyche, social behaviour, and academic success can be negatively impacted with the usage of ineffective conflict resolution techniques, hence underscoring a strong focus on developing an enabler ecosystem to resolve practising teacher-student conflict, eventually leading to a conducive teaching and learning environment.

To sum up, this issue of Manthan captures and presents the academic and managerial insights of scholars who have developed varied dimensions of commerce and management disciplines. Hence, it would prove to be a meaningful source of relevant insights for our readers. I am very thankful for the contributions of all authors, reviewers, and the editorial team at Journal Press India to get this issue of Manthan out timely and effectively.

Dr. Raj K Kovid

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